Friday, November 30, 2012

The Rubens

I am so excited for the St Jerome's Laneway Music Festival in February! As soon as the lineup was released I made it my mission to save up and buy myself a ticket. There are just so many amazing bands playing, most of which I will probably upload music videos of.

The past few months I've been particularly captivated by Triple J Unearthed Artist of the Year award winners The Rubens. Just every song I feel I can relate to. They have such a strong sound, I feel like they're completely genuine in many aspects. Their lyrics, musical abilities and presence all amount to this feeling of amazement at someone else having had the same true life experiences as you. I've attached their video of 'Don't Ever Want To Be Found' directed by Andrew Lancaster. It's also shot in a really beautiful vintage-esque film style. Enjoy!


In love with the new 'Australian Collection' of icecream flavours by Connoisseur. The other day I had Murray River Salted Caramel with chocolate coated hazelnuts. Just wow, it was so subtle and creamy but the flavours were all there! There is also Kangaroo Island Hone with fig, Derwent Valley Raspberry with white chocolate, and Snowy Mountain Blueberry Crumble. I love icecream with a fierce passion so I cannot wait to try the rest. It's even better when you know the regions that the foods are based upon.

Heat Wave

This morning I was driving to my mechanic to have my car serviced and I drove past the local High School with it's temperature gauge. 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit to those from the US). It was 10.45 am.
The weather reports are all saying that over this weekend it may reach up to 46 degrees (113 Fahrenheit) in some areas, including where I live.
This weather is just so incredibly dangerous with consequences like bush fires, animal and pet death, people getting heatstroke, being hospitalised or even passing away. I received an hideously bad sunburn two weeks ago from not applying enough sunscreen and falling asleep at the beach, and that day was only around 26 degrees. I am not taking any chances this weekend so I will probably try and find a nice cool spot inside. Definitely not going to the beach. I've also just come back from camping at Patonga, up the Central Coast in NSW, for four days. So you can imagine how glad I am to be back before this heatwave has set in.

For all of you in the South-East Coast of Australia, and actually all of Australia, please remember to be mindful of the heat. Don't forget about those around you who may suffer from it more than yourself, such as pets, children and the elderly community.

Update: It's now 3pm and it's 37 degrees!

Everyone is a little hot and slow today, including Dutchess.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Leading up to Christmas

I always find it incredible how much goes into the lead up to Christmas. Even if it has nothing to do with the day itself. Maybe it's just in my case but I feel as if everything increases twofold. Work-load, sorting out plans to see family and friends, trying to find the funds for presents and just life in general.
Every Christmas, time is the main concern in my scenario. Figuring out where I will be on Christmas day and who I'll need to make it up to. Juggling work and social events and even just home time. In all honesty it's not even December yet and I've hit the wall. Exhausted.
Even today, it's 9.43pm and I'm ready for bed. Seems like all the elements that make up one's life snowball into a great, big 'list of things to do and how I can possibly fit them in before December 25th'. Looking forward to a day where I can just try and sort everything out into neat little categories, and relax. I hope that day is nearing.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Beautiful Blooms

Beautiful bunch of flowers for a close friend of mine. From the amazing ladies at Beautiful Blooms at Castle Hill


Hello! Hayley here. I have had this blog for a little while now, but have decided to start from scratch again.
So, let's begin with a new introduction. I am from Sydney, have two cats and a love for the visual. I have just completed my second year of my Bachelor of Visual Art course and have one year left before I graduate. Next step, a career in Interior Design. This new blog will be a compilation of descriptions of my everyday happenings, my photos, ponderings and most everything in between. I hope those of you whom have similar interests can enjoy my journey with me. Included is a little photo of me as I type this, fading in and out of my nap.